This morning as I was waking up, this thought popped into my head: "Hey - don't squash and cucumber seeds sprout really quickly?" I did some quick day-counting and realized that it's been four days since I planted the seeds.
So I stumbled off to the laundry room to check on the seedlings. Behold! Some of them have sprouted!
I'm most pleased about the zucchini sprout (back row, left) and the Lollipop tomatoes (front row, left) because those are the seeds I saved myself. Hooray! ^_^
They all look pretty anemic, and so I immediately put them in the sun so that they can start making some chlorophyll.
The reason they're so pale and ghostly-looking is that they sprouted in the dark. I can't remember exactly why I started sprouting the seeds in the dark. o.O I'm starting to rethink it, since the seeds come up all stringy and starved for sunlight.
The Lollipop seeds that I bought are coming up as well, and they'll probably go in the sun tomorrow.
I love watching the little seeds grow - it's like magic!
And I really need to remember to check on the outdoor sprouts (the lettuce & radishes) when I get home. :-/
So I stumbled off to the laundry room to check on the seedlings. Behold! Some of them have sprouted!

They all look pretty anemic, and so I immediately put them in the sun so that they can start making some chlorophyll.
The reason they're so pale and ghostly-looking is that they sprouted in the dark. I can't remember exactly why I started sprouting the seeds in the dark. o.O I'm starting to rethink it, since the seeds come up all stringy and starved for sunlight.
The Lollipop seeds that I bought are coming up as well, and they'll probably go in the sun tomorrow.
I love watching the little seeds grow - it's like magic!
And I really need to remember to check on the outdoor sprouts (the lettuce & radishes) when I get home. :-/