This morning I wandered out to check on the chard sprouts and was startled by an unexpected member of the kingdom Animalia.
The turtle is camped out next to the tomato/pepper bed. See the pile of dirt behind it? I'm wondering if the turtle is a girl and she's laying eggs?! I didn't see any eggs, but I can't help but wonder. Why else would she be digging next to my garden?
Here's a view of him/her from the other side:
I have no idea what kind of turtle this is, so I made sure to take a good picture of the shell for ID purposes.
And while I was out taking pictures, I snapped another of the Red Hawk irises because another one bloomed.

Here's a view of him/her from the other side:

And while I was out taking pictures, I snapped another of the Red Hawk irises because another one bloomed.