Man, these blogs actually collect dust if you don't use them for a while. So let's recap events since early May.
Back to School
Well, the waiting finally paid off. After a year of eating ramen, late nights at the Grande (and UNCG...), and enough paper hunting, I'm now officially a student again. Student advising, registration, paying, buying books, and a not-as-painful-as-originally-thought process of being declared in-state.
According to the UNC system, someone who is declared an in-state resident can leave the state for a period of up to 12 months without having to re-apply for in-state status. My being in Atlanta for 2.5 years, well, put me out of that. So I had to re-apply.
This is not as easy as filling out a form and dropping it in the mailbox. Essentially what you're doing is building a case for the state to return your in-state status. Your case has to state that you have lived in the state for a minimum of 12 months for the purpose of living and working. This means you cannot be in school at all and you cannot be living in the state on the funds of someone living out of state(i.e. parents, sugar-mommas, Maureen Dowd). Which means letters of employment, paystubs, bank statements, tax forms from the past 2 years, property tax on your car and/or real estate, and a "mission statement" on why you are to be given in-state status.
It's a pain, and about 10% get it on their first try, but is it ever worth it. For three classes alone, the out-of-state surcharge was around $4400. Enough to cover three more semesters in-state. Luckily, I was one of the 10% and got it on my first shot, so the G owes me a little $$ now. It feels pretty good to be the one calling the cashiers office, asking "where's my money?" instead of the other way around.
Online text ordering came about after I left school, so this semester was my first shot with it. If the internet is good for only one thing, it's for save me some serious buckage on overpriced textbooks. I saved about $120 on 3 classes worth, and they all arrived before the classes started. Big thumbs up!
So far, classes have been A's and B's, I'm happy to say. I hope I can still say that in Dec.
Work at the G
Just received word today that my contract has been extended to next June. No more shovelling out popcorn to snot-nosed kids and the smell of old people crying*.
Grandfather Harris
Grandfather Harris had to have both his knees and his pacemaker replaced this summer, which kept my mom at his side most of the time. I have never seen him so upbeat and chipper as I did when he was riding the Percocet wave. I also have never seen him so skinny either. It's pretty safe to say that the man has been through hell and is on the comeback trail. It also has me taking a harder look at my eating habits as well.
Out of respect for others, I didn't announce this on the boards and only told those who saw us often in person and/or asked. Tami and I have known each other for a while and have had the same circle of friends for ages. We've been dating since the end of May and it's been nothing but wonderful. While it may have changed our social circles a tiny bit, we think it's ultimately for the best.
So that's what I've been up to these past months. But now, I'm back with new features!
*It's that damp smell when you walk into a room where people have done nothing but crying. Kind of a cross between mucous, kleenex, and old people.
Posted by Jeffrey at October 12, 2004 2:07 PM