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TGS 2004 Trailer
TGS 2003 Trailer(The music is damn funny)
"Hey omnivores, this is Snake. Tired of K-rations? K-rations hot, K-rations cold, K-rations in the pot, 9 days old? Bug-covered K-rations, K-ration kabobs, K-ration sandwiches, K-ration stew, K-ration souffle, K-ration grilled, K-ration straight up with lime, K-ration with mint jelly and the blood of your enemies(...and grenadine?)?
Then look no further than Konami's allegedly last installment of the Metal Gear Solid series, SNAKE EATER!"
That's right, in this latest offering from Hideo Kojima, the ubiquitous spinning rations will not make an appearance(based upon available data). The new system for keeping Snake healthy and in good shape is good ol' fashioned huntin'. You find it, you kill it, you eat, you wear the rest as a hat!
Evidently, for a guy that crawls around in jungles, he is a discriminating eater. Some food sources won't do as well as others, especially if it's killed and not eaten right away. You can also eat shrooms and other non-meat, but I'm guessing meat is your best bet pound-for-pound. I'm really intersted in seeing how this aspect of the game system pans out.
For those who are familiar with the series, Metal Gear Solid is the game series about one man(Solid Snake) pitted against a maniacal dictator(Big Boss in the NES,PC,MSX versions) or terrorist derivative(Liquid Snake,former FOXHOUND members) who's hell-bent on unleashing a mobile nuclear weapons platform known as Metal Gear. There are always plot twists involving our hero and the villan in question, usually resulting in them being related somehow(nothing like "I'm your father", but similar). There's a big allusion to Godzilla in the series in terms of physical shape of the machine and the underlying themes dealing with nuclear proliferation.
This time around, we are shot back in time to 1964, at the height of the cold war. A man called Snake is dispatched into Russia to investigate a nuclear detonation and to clear the US of any involvement with it. It is soon apparent that this is not the same Snake as from the previous games, but possibly his predecessor. "Snake" soon learns that his "Boss" defected to the Soviet Union and took two nuclear warheads with her. It's best to just check out the 2004 trailers for more deets.
Younger versions of previous characters appear in the story. Revolver Ocelot, the 6-shooter wonder from the first two MGS titles, returns as the younger, more innocent Spetsnaz. We see what is possibly a precursor to Liquid in a russian uniform, though it is possible that he, too, is not all that he appears. And of course, we'll see the 1st gen. Metal Gear come to life in all of its Cold War glory.
Story-wise, this is what I've been looking forward to this year. The Metal Gear series have always been rather engaging in that Clancy-esque sort-of-way. Game play has been consistantly above average and it has a good replay factor.
Anywho, I've raved enough. Check out the trailers and see for yourself.
p.s. Check out the Roger Moore Bond-esque music in the third link in the side-bar. LOL! Woo! Good stuff. Seriously, though. Harry Gregson-Williams kicks out an excellent soundtrack yet again.