November 24, 2004

And then there was one.

Some guy who got credit for stating the obvious once said something along the lines of "The only constant is change." And all through my 20's I've found countless examples of how this is true. Things about us, other people change, but what seems to get me is watching the mainstays in our life change. I always assumed E.C. would be a po-dunk town(still is, compartively, just bigger), Terry Zahn would come on at 6 p.m., Brokow at 6:30pm, and finally Dan Rather on the weekends and occasionally during the week.

With Terry gone, Brokaw to retire in 5 days and Rather to leave in March, two things occur to me.

1) I haven't watched the news regularly in ages. The local news in Greensboro just isn't even in the same broadcast medium as the Newport News area. The internet killed my nightly TV news ritual.

2) We have no one of their caliber to replace them(with the exception of Brian Williams[No relation]).

It's a sad thing to see many of these personality which we let into our lives go at such a rate. I think Williams will do a fine job and become a worthy successor to Brokaw. It's just a very trying time for journalism to lose so many of their mainstays.

Now all there's left is Ted Koppell and Andy Rooney.

Posted by Jeffrey at November 24, 2004 12:39 AM
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