Ewan McGregor, Samuel L. Jackson, Frank Oz, the rest of the SW gang
Directed by: The ol' Ewok himself.
Rating: 3.7/4.0
As part of my birthday gift to myself, I went to see SWIII at Carmike. And as birthday presents go, this one was pretty dern good.
There are some cheeseball scenes and moments, but overall, the dialogue has improved a lot(esp. with Obi-wan), the action is the best in the trilogy and in the running for best overall.
As a lot of the early reviews have said, this one will tug at the heartstrings of fans, watching Anakin complete his turn to the dark side. And the scene where they decide where the kids go just shows how much of the short end of the stick Luke starts out on. Sigh, if I had found out my sister's adopted father said what he said, I wouldn't shed a tear when their planet turns to doggy chow.
Posted by Jeffrey at May 19, 2005 3:15 AM