I voted for the next four years of pain.
Without a doubt I've contributed to the next four years of suckage. It really dosen't matter who I voted for, because both candidates are bad candidates. I hovered over the Libertarian candidate for a little while and then came to my senses and decided to actually vote.
I was a little concerned that my voteing this time seemed to be more voteing against someone rather than for someone. Says something about the times I guess.
I also did my typical no vote for constitutional changes. The constitution should not be meddled with without much ado.
I skipped over many candidates because I didn't know them, or what they stood for. Even if it was just one candidate in the race no vote for you.
BTW evidently in Greensboro when going to the alphebetical line for your name
P is included in the h - o section. Go figure.