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Making Linux and Windows XP co-exist

Stick it to the Man! Fight the Power! Install both operating systems on your computer!

Dual-Boot Linux and Windows 2000/Windows XP with GRUB HOWTO

Red Hat's Configuring a Dual-Boot System"



(asks Lex, who's likely gonna be forced to buy an XP machine within the year)



(takes a drink)

Actually, I like having Linux to play with on my computer for the same reason I have a Mac laptop these days -- I just like being able to use something currently supported that has fewer ties to the "Beast of Redmond." Linux is easier and easier to use these days, and there are a few office suites out there that do a decent job of reading Microsoft document formats. You have to be a dyed in the wool technogeek to want to abandon Windows entirely, though. Dual-booting makes it possible to explore the Linux world while being able to fall back on Windows on the same computer.