April 20
It's reliably reported that on April 20, 1996, you and I shared a fist-pump upon hearing Rev. Jerold Shetler say, "I now pronounce you...."
Nine years later it's not what we imagined. How can you visualize yourself so far ahead through moves, career changes, parenthood (and pre-parenthood angst), and just plain personal (and interpersonal) evolution? We've learned, and are re-learning, the same lessons every couple finds -- that marriages and partnerships aren't states of being but they're things you are constantly building, constantly doing, every moment.
It's not always the way we want it -- we'd have to be robots to want the same thing at the same time every day. But if you ever doubted it, let me tell you again: life with you isn't what I imagined, all right. It's better, more complete, it's transformed me, my greatest blessing, my favorite challenge, the thing that keeps me strong when the world around us has gone crazy, the gift for which I am most thankful.
Without you and Will, I would be a much hollower man.
With you and Will, I am alive.
Happy anniversary.