Today I planted the tomatoes and peppers. And the zucchini and the squash. And the beans. Oh, and the nasturtiums. I think that's it. I'm going out of town this weekend, and so I wanted to go ahead and get those guys started on the path to their little fates. Hopefully it will rain on them while I'm gone.
Here's what the garden looked like before we put up the bean teepees:
I'll take pictures of the bean teepees on another day. When we finished, it was too dark for photography! The beans and their bamboo teepees are now in the empty bed in the foreground.
The All Blue potato seedlings are really growing fast! The Rose Gold sprouts are finally making an appearance. There will probably be unfurled leaves above ground tomorrow.
The seedlings in their new home. It's not an invisible tomato, it's just really small.

Oh! I think that the shungiku might have sprouted, after all. It's another one of those things (like the chard) that I'll have to watch for a while before I'm sure that it's not a weed. There are only a few that may be sungiku so far, but maybe more will sprout. The carrots are definitely still sprouting.
I also have to sheepishly admit that I'm not 100% sure that the zucchini are zucchini. It occurred to me as I was planting them that they might be eggplants. I can't tell the difference, and I kinda nabbed them on impulse at the farmers' market. The variety is "Black Diamond." I searched the internet, but I can't find either a zuke or an eggplant of that variety. I guess time will tell. (But I really hope that it's a zucchini!)
Here's what the garden looked like before we put up the bean teepees:

The All Blue potato seedlings are really growing fast! The Rose Gold sprouts are finally making an appearance. There will probably be unfurled leaves above ground tomorrow.

Oh! I think that the shungiku might have sprouted, after all. It's another one of those things (like the chard) that I'll have to watch for a while before I'm sure that it's not a weed. There are only a few that may be sungiku so far, but maybe more will sprout. The carrots are definitely still sprouting.
I also have to sheepishly admit that I'm not 100% sure that the zucchini are zucchini. It occurred to me as I was planting them that they might be eggplants. I can't tell the difference, and I kinda nabbed them on impulse at the farmers' market. The variety is "Black Diamond." I searched the internet, but I can't find either a zuke or an eggplant of that variety. I guess time will tell. (But I really hope that it's a zucchini!)