I planted the tomato and pepper seedlings a week ago. After about three days I began checking on them daily. Every day, no sprouts. Until today, exactly a week later! Yay! ^_^
I have one Amish Paste, one Lollipop, and two Gold Medal sprouts.
Here's a picture of my seed-sprouting set-up:
And here's a close-up of the cayenne pepper container with the kitty. Because if you can have a picture with a kitty in it, why wouldn't you? ^_^
The cups are little plastic Solo cups. I wrote the variety and number of seeds planted on the label, then taped a Ziplock bag over the cup. They're hanging out in my sort-of dark laundry room until the sprouts get a little more established. (But when I took these pictures yesterday, nothing had sprouted yet!)
And here's a picture of the tulip fortress:

I have one Amish Paste, one Lollipop, and two Gold Medal sprouts.
Here's a picture of my seed-sprouting set-up:

And here's a picture of the tulip fortress:

And a wider view of the entire bed:
No signs of life from the beautyberry yet, but the pansies sure look a lot happier now that it's stopped snowing on them.