I've been trying to post these pictures since Sunday afternoon. So without further ado and no photo editing, here they are.
This is the long view of the raised beds before I cut the fabric and planted lima beans, chard, squash, and zucchini.
Here's a close-up of the stakes I drove to keep the boards from bowing. And I also plan to tie bean poles and tomato trellises to them.
These are the cucumber buckets. (They're former kitty litter buckets with drainage holes drilled into them.)

This is the long view of the raised beds before I cut the fabric and planted lima beans, chard, squash, and zucchini.

And a close up of a cucumber in the bucket. There are also nasturtiums in the buckets, but they haven't sprouted yet.
Two pictures of the hydrangeas and hostas. They hydrangeas are just starting to form buds.

Herbs on the front porch. I went to herb day at the farmer's market - that was an expensive day! Left to right: some kind of crazy oregano, thyme, Corsican mint. The goat-shaped planter has tiny parsley seedlings in it.
The herbs on the porch that regrew after last year. Left to right: Catnip, elfin thyme (bottom), golden oregano.
Tomato seedlings in front of the perennial bed
Pepper seedlings in front of perennial bed. The second set of seedlings is the calendula, cilantro, tulsi flat that's been on the porch all this time.
The beautyberry looks like this now
And I have wild strawberries! It's nice to have cool plants that I didn't even have to plant!
So that's the whirlwind tour of what my plants are up to in late April.
I managed to measure the bamboo shoot for one day, and I haven't measured it since. *sigh* I've been kicking over the shoots daily as I march across the yard with the watering can.

So that's the whirlwind tour of what my plants are up to in late April.
I managed to measure the bamboo shoot for one day, and I haven't measured it since. *sigh* I've been kicking over the shoots daily as I march across the yard with the watering can.