Don't get sick during vegetable season! I was sick for about a week and all sorts of crazy stuff happened to my garden.
I was rousted from my sickbed by a thunderstorm. I glanced out the window and discovered, to my horror, that the bamboo poles that my butterbeans climb had snapped. The next day I shuffled outside in my PJs and pried the butterbeans off of the edamame. I don't know what to do with the droopy bean vines now, so they're just kinda sprawled out on the ground.
As I lugged myself back to the house, I noticed that something had evidently been munching on my cherry tomatoes. Not munching like a bug munches - munching like a furry critter munches. There were little ragged holes in some of the tomatoes.
Today I went out to check on things during lunch. I found a mutant squash and a mutant zucchini:
That zucchini is the size of my forearm. I'm glad I finally noticed it today, because if it had grown more, I think it would've kicked my butt when I went to pick it! And I think that's the biggest yellow squash I've ever seen. Oops. Shoulda sent the hubby out to check the squash plants while I was sickly.
The edamame survived their assault by the butterbeans and are finally starting to form pods. I can't wait! Mmm, edamame! ^_^
The plants themselves are freaking huge. Some of them are almost as tall as I am. They've started to flop over (undoubtedly because the butterbeans flopped on them first), and now they're totally shading out their pepper neighbors. I'm not sure what to do about that ...
I was rousted from my sickbed by a thunderstorm. I glanced out the window and discovered, to my horror, that the bamboo poles that my butterbeans climb had snapped. The next day I shuffled outside in my PJs and pried the butterbeans off of the edamame. I don't know what to do with the droopy bean vines now, so they're just kinda sprawled out on the ground.

Today I went out to check on things during lunch. I found a mutant squash and a mutant zucchini:

The edamame survived their assault by the butterbeans and are finally starting to form pods. I can't wait! Mmm, edamame! ^_^