Cuttings and Seedlings

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So I'm starting a new experiment - propagating plants from cuttings.  The subjects are rosemary, tea (Camellia sinensis), and lavender.  Here they are in that order:

I only found one cutting that I felt safe taking from the tea shrub, so it's all or nothing on that one.  It's a small-ish plant, and I want to make sure it has plenty of new shoots so that it will continue to grow. 

So I cut the ends of the cuttings at a diagonal, dipped them in water, then rooting hormone, then stuck them in the same little cups of sterile seed starter mix that I use for my seeds. Then they got rolled up into Ziplock bags to keep the plants happy and humid. They look kind of like quarantine patients. :-P 

And here they are in the window next to most of the seedlings I planted this year: 


So we'll see how the cuttings work out. Nothing ventured, nothing gained! 

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