Things are starting to bloom. ^_^
I'm most excited about the blooms emerging on one of the Rose Gold potato plants. Yay! I guess they're making up for lost time. I thought they would
never sprout, but here they are, getting ready to bloom. Cool.
The squash plants look like they might be forming buds. I'm not sure. They have these little fuzzy green nodules clustered around the stem, so I'm assuming those are buds rather than new leaves. But they could well be new leaves.
The Nikko Blue hydrangea is about to explode into bloom. The "moonshine" yarrow is also beginning to bloom.
In the herb bed with the yarrow is my poor little bloody dock plant that is being nommed out of existence by something or other. I think that if the culprit isn't mammalian, it must be a swarm of locusts. Whole leaves are gone, only the red stems remain. *sigh* Bugs are definitely chewing on some of the other herbs in that bed. One of the basils looks like Swiss cheese, and so does the valerian. Or is it the vervain? Eh, I'm too tired from weeding now to go back outside and look. :P
The tomatoes are growing along slowly. I think they're about 6" tall now. Despite my impatience, I suppose it's a good thing that they're taking so long since I don't have their trellis up yet!
I also planted some seeds today:
Cosmic Purple carrots and
Rossa di Milano onions. Now I have to remember to water the onions every day, because apparently that's what they require. High maintenance little dudes.
The last of the seedlings - the tulsi, coleus, and balloonflower - are outside on the front porch to meet their fate. I'm at a loss for what to do with them, so I figured I'd apply some tough love. They are all "leggy," but if they survive the acclimation process, I'll go ahead and plant them.