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Branson, MO Vacation

I finally got my pictures put up from my vacation with family in Branson, MO. We had a lot of fun for such a boring place. :) I doubt I'll ever go back there, but there were a couple of highlights. The paddle boat dinner and show was awesome. My nephew and I went fishing as well one day and that was great. We caught 35 Rainbow Trout in 3 hours and kept 7 of them for dinner that night. I caught the biggest, but he easily out distanced me in numbers (21 to 14). That was because after I pulled the 19 3/4" trout in on 2 lbs line/drag, the MOMENT I cast again the line went every where from reeling against the drag landing him. So I spent the most productive 15 minutes of the trip untangling my line while Travis landed 7 fish.