October 21, 2004

Holy crap: Sox beats Yankees 10-3

...and at home too.

For those that don't follow baseball or watch Sportcenter, The Daily Show, or TV in general, the Red Sox broke the infamous "Curse of the Bambino" last night with a crushing 10-3 game against the Yankees in the house that Babe built.

If that's not enough, the Sox started off with 0-3 for the first 3 of 7 games only to come back from certain defeat and win the series 4-3. A feat, as I understand it, is the first of its kind in several sports.

I'm not a Sox or Yankees fan, but I love an underdog taking out Goliath. Way-to-go, Sox! and Congratulations!

Posted by Jeffrey at October 21, 2004 7:43 AM
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