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February 13, 2005

Wednesday's Blog

Back when I was at UNC, the thing to read in The Daily Tar Heel was "Wednesday's Child," easily the best-written column during my four years there. I've just discovered that columnist Ian Williams has -- of course -- a blog, and it would appear he hasn't lost his touch.

February 7, 2005

This Blog

(Lunchblogging from Schlotsky's)

As my last entry suggested, I've not been my usual bubbly, effervescent, carbonated self in the last few days. Despite feeling a little more productive at work, and having gotten some writing-for-pleasure done yesterday, I'm stuck in a bit of a personal holding pattern. A couple of social outlets closed themselves off, and I've been remiss -- it's guilt, probably -- in reestablishing contacts with some people who have been, and are, very important to me, but with whom I've fallen down on the job post-parenthood.

But enough about me. Aside from the general funk, another thing that's been limiting my blogging has been a lack of direction for the blog. I've written some good things here, but essentially it's been a self-hosted LiveJournal. LiveJournals are cool, but they're -- of course -- personal. LiveJournal writing doesn't lend itself to outward, community-independent writing, the sort of writing that friends and strangers want to tune into or benefit from.

My friend Lex gets it, with a personal blog that regularly has something to say. 'Course, he's been "getting it" for a number of years, as he's helping to shake up the News and Record with its coming foray into "open source journalism". He's an example of, "it's not the tech you know, it's how you use the tech."

My friend Woody has a blog on the MT installation I administer, and he's taken me by surprise with the thoughtfulness of his posts, including a community attention-grabber and a harrowing discovery. He gets it too.

And I write unfocused rambles about kids, music and video games. I ought to be doing more.

I have a chance to think about this on Saturday with a decent-sized group of fellow travelers, most far more professional about it than I am. Although I'll primarily be there for work-related reasons, I'll be keeping my ear perked for other ideas that may affect this blog. Maybe I'll come up with a direction.

February 4, 2005


I've been pretty burned out, and a little down. I'll be resuming writing again soon. (Posted at lunch.)